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  1. Zigbee2MQTT
    1. Installation
    2. Connect a new device
    3. Add unsupported devices to Zigbee2MQTT


Zigbee2MQTT allows you to use your Zigbee devices without the vendors bridge or gateway.

It bridges events and allows you to control your Zigbee devices via MQTT. In this way you can integrate your Zigbee devices with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using.

To use Zigbee2MQTT you need a zigbee adapter. You can see a complete list here.


You can find the installation here

Connect a new device

First make sure the option permit_join in the file ‘‘/opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/configuration.yaml`` is set on true. To control your paired device correctly, you need to open the log from Zigbee2MQTT:

sudo journalctl -u zigbee2mqtt -f

Reset the device. To reset lamps in most cases you need to turn off and on the device 5 times. When your device is paired correctly, you should see a message like this:

Zigbee2MQTT:info  2019-11-09T12:19:56: Successfully interviewed '0x00158d0001dc126a', device has successfully been paired

Congratulation! You connected your zigbee device successfully to your Raspberry Pi. When you see a warning under this message, something like this:

Zigbee2MQTT:warn  2019-11-09T12:19:56: Device '0x00158d0001dc126a' with Zigbee model 'P40 TW Value' and manufacturer name 'some_name' is NOT supported, please follow

your device is not supported and is not ready to use. But you can add your device with another method, which is described in the next chapter.

Add unsupported devices to Zigbee2MQTT

Open node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices.js. In this example I’m using a Ledvance P40 TW Value . It’s a tiny bulb with brightness and colortemp control. Unfortunately it’s not supported by Zigbee2MQTT, but there are already other bulbs with similar specifications from Ledvance. If you have a similar scenario, go down to the devices variable and search the device that is similar to yours. In my case I searched for the // Ledvance comment and found this:

  zigbeeModel: [
    'B40 TW Z3'
  model: '4058075208414',
  vendor: 'LEDVANCE',
  description: 'SMART+ candle E14 tunable white',
  extend: ledvance.light_onoff_brightness_colortemp,
  ota: ota.ledvance

This the the bulb, which is most similar to my bulb. The vendor is the same, the model is similar and the functionality is the same. So I duplicated this part and edited the zigbeeModel:

  zigbeeModel: [
    'B40 TW Z3'
  model: '4058075208414',
  vendor: 'LEDVANCE',
  description: 'SMART+ candle E14 tunable white',
  extend: ledvance.light_onoff_brightness_colortemp,
  ota: ota.ledvance
zigbeeModel: ['P40 TW Value'],
model: '4058075208414',
vendor: 'LEDVANCE',
description: 'SMART+ drop E14 tunable white',
extend: ledvance.light_onoff_brightness_colortemp,
ota: ota.ledvance,

Now the warning from above should not appear again. If you have another scenario or problem, please look at this page: How to support new devices